PLDI 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Copenhagen, Denmark

0 results

People (6 results)

Robert Schenck

DIKU, University of Copenhagen

… Hi, I’m a PhD student at the University of Copenhagen interested in all things type systems, functional programming, and compilers. …

Samuel Coward

Samuel Coward

Imperial College London, UK / Intel Corporation

… Hi, I’m currently an Imperial College London PhD student in the Circuits and Systems Group, under the supervision of Professor George Constantinides. My research looks at all aspects of numerical hardware design and how we can create fast …

Işıl Dillig

Işıl Dillig

University of Texas at Austin

all her degrees (BS, MS, and PhD) from Stanford University. …

Events (20 results)

The One Pass (OP) Compactor: An Intellectual Abstract

ISMM 2024 When: Tue 25 Jun 2024 14:40 - 15:00 People: Tomer Cory, Erez Petrank

… to compacted areas. A full heap compaction eliminates fragmentation by compacting all … that marks all reachable (live) objects, the compactor needs to copy all marked objects to the beginning of the address space and fix all pointers to reference the new …

We Know I Know You Know; Choreographic Programming With Multicast and Multiply Located Values

Choreographic Programming 2024 When: Mon 24 Jun 2024 15:00 - 15:20 People: Mako P. Bates, Joseph P. Near

… to a set of parties, and the resulting value will be located at all of them …": 𐤄λsmall requires that the guard for a conditional be located at all

How to read a PL-security paper

PLMW@PLDI 2024 When: Tue 25 Jun 2024 11:40 - 12:20 People: Aslan Askarov

… the following topics: What makes a good PL-security paper? How do we make sense of all

When to Stop Going Down the Rabbit Hole: Taming Context-Sensitivity on the Fly

SOAP 2024 When: Tue 25 Jun 2024 14:50 - 15:10 People: Julian Erhard, Johanna Franziska Schinabeck, Michael Schwarz, Helmut Seidl

… suite. On a subset of recursive benchmarks, all proposed lifters manage …

Attending Information (2 results)

PLDI and Associated Events Live Streams

… You can find all the live streams on our playlist.

Here are the embedded players for today’s events.


Presenter Instructions

… known to the session chair, test out slides and audio, and address all issues …

Tracks (16 results)

Programming Languages Mentoring Workshop

… environment that provides space for all to thrive and breathe. We are also … the physical and mental well-being of all members of the PL community. We condemn all

All the above plus a dedicated table at the workshop to talk to students …

PLDI 2024 Workshop Honoring Andreas Podelski

… and verification. All PLDI 2024 attendees are welcome!


ARRAY 2024

… explores all aspects of array programming, such as languages, formal semantics …. All submissions should be formatted in conformance with the ACM SIGPLAN … automatic and user-assisted means.

All submissions must be in PDF format …

General (12 results)

LCTES 2024 Homepage

… LCTES 2024 Welcome to the website of the LCTES 2024 conference. We are working hard to fill the website with all related information. Please check back soon! …

PLMW@PLDI 2024 Homepage

… PLMW@PLDI 2024 Welcome to the website of the PLMW@PLDI 2024 conference. We are working hard to fill the website with all related information. Please check back soon! …

ISMM 2024 Homepage

… ISMM 2024 Welcome to the website of the ISMM 2024 conference. We are working hard to fill the website with all related information. Please check back soon! …