PLDI 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Copenhagen, Denmark
People (6 results)

Robert Schenck

DIKU, University of Copenhagen

… Hi, I’m a PhD student at the University of Copenhagen interested in all things type systems, functional programming, and compilers. …

Samuel Coward

Samuel Coward

Imperial College London, UK / Intel Corporation

… Hi, I’m currently an Imperial College London PhD student in the Circuits and Systems Group, under the supervision of Professor George Constantinides. My research looks at all aspects of numerical hardware design and how we can create fast …

Işıl Dillig

Işıl Dillig

University of Texas at Austin

all her degrees (BS, MS, and PhD) from Stanford University. …

Christian Wimmer

Christian Wimmer

Oracle Labs

… /) to a supported Oracle product. He believes that all languages should be equally fast …

Emina Torlak

Emina Torlak

Amazon Web Services, USA

… is a solver-aided language that powers verification and synthesis tools for all

Saman Amarasinghe

Saman Amarasinghe

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

… languages and compilers, all of which combine language design and sophisticated …