PLDI 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Copenhagen, Denmark

You should have received a Google Form entitled “PLDI’24 Presenter Questionnaire”. If not, the URL is Please fill in the questionnaire once for each talk you will give.

In-Person Presenters

If you are presenting in-person, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • You should bring your own device to present your slides. Ensure your device is working and your slides are accessible during the break before your session starts, to avoid last minute difficulties.

  • Your presentation device should support HDMI output. If it does not, you are responsible for bringing the appropriate adapter.

  • Arrive at your session at least 10 minutes before it starts. Take time to familiarize yourself with the room setup, make your presence known to the session chair, test out slides and audio, and address all issues with the volunteers in the room.

  • You should disable any kind of color adjustment on your computer while presenting (e.g., night shift, redshift, f.lux). If you are using a Mac please disable TrueTone in System Settings -> Displays.

  • Talk slots for the main PLDI program are 20 minutes, so your talk should be 15 minutes to allow 5 minutes for Q&A. Pace your talk accordingly.

  • Please repeat/summarize questions before answering them, especially if the question was not captured on a microphone. Doing so ensures the context for your answer is captured on the live stream and recording!

Remote Presenters

Please read the following instructions as they are crucial for making sure your remote presentation goes as smoothly as possible!

Setting up Discord

Set up a Discord account, and join the PLDI 2024 Discord server (check your email for the invite link).

After joining the server, you should be prompted with a Customisation Question prompt. Please do the following:

Select the Presenter role.

Presenter role selection

Go to Channels and Roles.

Go to Channels and Roles

Follow the Pre-Talk Sessions category.

Follow the Pre-Talk Sessions category

**Discord is now set up! Use the #troubleshooting-chat if you have any technically issues or questions.

If you have any technical issues or questions, please make sure to ask any questions in the #troubleshooting-chat channel.**


On the day of your presentation, our remote volunteers will be performing several tests to make sure your presentation (or Q&A) goes as smoothly as possible. Please join the Pre-Talk VC channel up until 30 minutes before your scheduled presentation.

Pre-talk VC

Your Talk

Please join the Waiting Queue voice channel 30 minutes before your presentation. A volunteer will promptly let you know 5 minutes before it is your time to present through the Waiting Queue chat:

Waiting queue

When it is your time to present, the volunteer will move you to another voice channel. Here, you should be able to hear the session chair through Discord, from which you should follow their instructions for when to start presenting. When you are moved to this LIVE voice channel, please turn on your camera and screen-share.

You can follow the livestream of current talks on the ACM SIGPLAN YouTube channel:

If you have a pre-recorded talk, you will still be moved to the voice channel during your talk (while your recording is playing), so that you can conduct the Q&A segment after the recording is played.


If there are any troubleshooting issues, join the Troubleshooting VC channel and a volunteer will assist you.