Registered user since Mon 20 May 2024
Name:Jianyi Cheng
I am a Research Associate at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory with Prof. Timothy M. Jones. I am also an incoming Assistant Professor in Computer Architecture at the University of Edinburgh. I completed my PhD at Imperial College London with Prof. George A. Constantinides and Dr John Wickerson. My research aims to automatically produce small, fast, low-energy and secure computing systems using formal methods. My research interests include high-level synthesis, formal methods, deep learning systems and hardware security.
Country:United Kingdom
Affiliation:University of Cambridge
Personal website: https://jianyicheng.github.io/
X (Twitter): https://x.com/jianyi_cheng
GitHub: https://github.com/jianyicheng
Research interests:High-Level Synthesis, Formal Methods, Large Language Models
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