PLDI 2024
Mon 24 - Fri 28 June 2024 Copenhagen, Denmark
Thu 27 Jun 2024 15:20 - 15:40 at Iceland / Denmark - Industry session Chair(s): Fredrik Kjolstad

Concurrency is a notoriously difficult area of programming due to the risk of data races causing crashes and unpredictable runtime behavior. Swift’s recent language evolution in pursuit of static data-race safety introduced an actor-based concurrency model where objects sent between actors must be safe to access concurrently, preventing shared mutable state from ever leaving an actor. This model is too onerous in object-oriented programs, impeding natural programming patterns where mutable state is moved from one actor to another. Swift solves this expressivity problem with an approach adapted from a PLDI’22 paper to enable complex, mutable object graphs to be sent between actors without additional work from the programmer. The upcoming Swift 6 language mode brings these ideas together to provide data-race safety by default. In this talk, we’ll describe the approach to static data-race safety in Swift 6, adopting research into Swift’s actor isolation model, and integrating data-race safety into a large ecosystem of existing code.

Thu 27 Jun

Displayed time zone: Windhoek change

15:20 - 16:30
Industry sessionPLDI Events at Iceland / Denmark
Chair(s): Fredrik Kjolstad Stanford University

Come hear about activities going on at our platinum sponsors, Apple, AWS, and Huawei!

Industry talk
Data-race safety for the masses
PLDI Events
Holly Borla Apple, Inc,
Industry talk
Programming Languages at Huawei
PLDI Events
Industry talk
Formal reasoning at Amazon Web Services
PLDI Events
Byron Cook Amazon